Tufts Memorial Steps

First Built in 1929, Tufts Memorial Steps commemorates the thousands of Alumni that served from the Civil War Battlefields through todays conflicts in the Middle East. Decades of harsh New England winters, eroded the structural integrity the stairs. In order to preserve the memorial, a complete renovation needed to happen. The renovation uses new building technology, but with aesthetic historical accuracy. Spring City’s Edgewater accomplished that goal. The Edgewater frames the steps, complements the aesthetic ambience, without distracting from the main objective of the design. Call us at 610-948-4000 to partner on your next lighting project.

Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps
Tufts Memorial Steps

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